Small Group Questions

Screenshot questions for your small group discussions

Questions from June 23rd, 2024

“Unworthy Servants”

Read Luke 17:1-10

  1. Think of a time where something unfair happened to you. What was that experience like?

  2. Share with the group a time where you experienced what Jesus calls us to do in Luke 17:3-4, from either side. (The one who needed to repent or the one who needed to forgive.) What was that like?

  3. How does bitterness prevent us from doing what Jesus calls us to do?

  4. What does it mean for us to embody the mentality of the “unworthy servant?” Discuss how this relates to the example of the older brother in Luke 15.

  5. How would practicing forgiveness within the church translate into the world we live in? Would it make any difference?

  6. Act. This is less of a group discussion and more of a personal reflection. Are you being convicted to seek this type of forgiveness in your life? Is there someone that is coming to mind as you think about these topics? Don’t let that thought stay a thought, act today. As a group pray for open opportunities to have these kind of conversations in a Spirit-led manner. Thank God for his ultimate grace and forgiveness.

Questions from June 16th, 2024

“More Information”

Read Luke 16:19-31

  1. What is something you gave up as a child that you wished you would have stuck with now as an adult?

  2. The Rich Man had a sense of pride while he was in Hades that did not allow him to see things the way they actually were. The parable suggests this is how he lived his life prior to dying. Have you ever allowed pride to get in the way of seeing things clearly?

  3. Have you ever struggled with the concept of faith? How did you overcome those obstacles?

  4. What are some things that you know you ought to be doing more, but choose not to. (Think beyond reading your Bible more or more prayer, we can all affirm that we need to do this more.)

  5. How can you have a sense of urgency when it comes to your faith? How would your life look differently if your were more urgent in matters of acting on your faith?

  6. Act. Read James 2:18, how can this group go beyond knowing and lean into more doing? What is God calling this group to do? (You probably already know!)

Questions from June 9th, 2024

“The Shrewd Manager”

Read Luke 16:1-15

  1. Can you think of an example of a shrewd person in your life?

  2. What are some specific side effects of trusting in worldly wealth? How have you seen/experienced this in your life?

  3. Can you think of other examples where Jesus was particularly shrewd in his dealings with disciples, Pharisees, etc? How did he take advantage of the time?

  4. Do you struggle with giving what you have to others? (No judgments here!) Not just money, but anything. How do you handle that tension? How have you handled that tension in the past?

  5. How can we value things the way that God values things? What might he be calling you to give up in the process?

  6. Act. How can this group embody this teaching from Jesus?