Spiritual Direction


What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is a form of active and holy listening that is driven by a need for a better understanding of God’s voice and direction in someones life.


What is the purpose of Spiritual Direction?

Often when someone is seeking the Holy Spirit’s direction in their lives, it can be difficult to do alone. Spiritual Direction offers a time and space between two people, the Spiritual Director and the Directee, to help see where God might be speaking into the life of the Directee. The job of the Director is to listen to the Directee and help them discern where the Spirit is active in their life.


How is going to a Spiritual Director different from going to see a Counselor?

Although the framing of Spiritual Direction might look like a counseling session, there are differences to note. While these meetings are usually one-on-on, in Spiritual Direction, both the Director and Directee acknowledge that the Spirit is present and that God is the real Director in any meeting that takes place. The Director in a Spiritual Direction setting is there to ask questions and to facilitate, there are no set agendas or things to accomplish. A session really depends on where the Directee takes it and where the Holy Spirit might be steering the conversation to go. With counseling, someone might need to work through a specific issue or problem in their life. In Spiritual Direction, there might be problems to work through, but that is not the main reason why we come together for these sessions. A Directee comes to a session to see where God’s voice is directing their lives; if problems are fixed, that is great, but that is not the primary goal of Spiritual Direction. 


What makes someone a Spiritual Director?

For someone to be considered a Spiritual Director, they need to complete a program just like another discipline. Our minister, Jimmy Devine, completed his certification through Lipscomb University in 2018 through their Institute of Christian Spirituality.


How can I make an appointment to see a Spiritual Director?

If you would like to see Jimmy for Spiritual Direction or have any more questions, email him at jfdevine39@gmail.com or call the church office. This is a free service given to anyone who has a need.